Hello, Bergman Dolphins!
Welcome to the Bergman Library Media Center. My name is Ms. Kelsey Crawford, and I am excited to be joining the Bergman family as the librarian this year. My clerk is Ms. Tedford. I have always enjoyed working with kindergartens through fifth graders! I am looking forward to meeting all of the students and parents this year. I believe the library is the place in schools that allows students to build a community of learners and grow in their confidence. I am excited to encourage your students love of reading and discovery through the library. I enjoy teaching skills through hands on activities, and project-based learning.
Our goal in the library is to encourage a love of learning and reading. I encourage all students to use a growth mindset in learning new things. Your students will be learning a variety of skills on their visits to the library. We will be learning about digital citizenship (Safety online), research skills, STEM skills and of course, literacy in the library. Students will also be given the opportunity to check out books throughout the week. Students will have access to a wide selection of books to checkout including fiction/nonfiction, everybody books, graphic novels and more! If you notice your student has an interest in a certain area and the library selection is limited, please let me know! I am always looking for ways to ensure the library collection is meeting the needs of the students and teachers. I am always happy to hear suggestion. Please reach out to our clerk Ms. Tedford or me with any questions or concerns. We are always here to help in any way that we can.
Thank you!
Kelsey Walter
Bergman Library Media Specialist
Frank Bergman Library Online Catalog
Websites to help students search and use information
Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need
World Book Online - user name and password required at home, contact librarian to obtain information
Kansas State Library - Research for Kids
Award Winning Books and Recommendations
Tumble Book Library - user name and password required - contact school librarian for information